Women's Lethal Beauty Costume
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The best supervillains have themes that are both seductive and deadly at the same time so your victims come to you and are willingly drawn in before meeting their doom.Since your theme also dictates what kinds of crimes and schemes you commit, it's good to pick a theme that will offer a wide range of possibilities, like if you go with a water theme you might steal a dam or you could fill the city hall building with squid. With a plant theme you can cover all of your bases and still have plenty of room for growth and new possibilities. Plants are ancient and mysterious, and as with most things in nature: the more colorful and beautiful something is, the more lethal their poison. If you're looking for a good place to start your career as a seductive supervillain, this Women’s Lethal Beauty Costume will put you on the right path for plant-based crime. The green and gold accented dress and adjustable skirt features leafy vine-like trim to signify your intimate connection with nature. The leafy motif continues with the included tan leaf-printed tights and leaf lined green glovelettes and shoe covers, while the flowery femme fatale style is completed with a green leaf mask to keep an air of mystery about you. This complete costume is a great choice for any group superhero or supervillain costume! Your victims will fall at your feet when you cast your shadow over them, so be gentle with whichever poor superheros try to stop you!